About Me


For most of my adult life I have been interested in fitness and nutrition.  After becoming a mother in 2004 I became very interested in the relationship between what we eat and our health. I started to really look at taking all artificial ingredients out of our diets and also how I could eliminate chemicals from our household items, too.  I always loved working out, but had been somewhat inconsistent with my own weight seeing it yo-yo up and down.

In September of 2012 our lives were turned a bit upside down when our oldest son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  This was quite a shock to us.  On a Friday we took our “healthy” son to the Doctor because he just wasn’t acting himself and had been losing weight and on a Sunday we came home forever changed.  I dove head first into my roll as a diabetic mom!  I learned everything there was to know about diabetes, carb counting, and how healthy eating and exercise could help.  While I was focusing on his health, my own became less of a focus.  I didn’t realize the slippery slope I was heading down.

In early 2014 I was living the life I had always wanted, but was somehow miserable.  I was unhappy that I had once again gained weight.  I was tired all the time.  I lacked patience and therefore was not the best wife or mother.  I had a lot of guilt, too.  I was living the life I had dreamed of, why wasn’t I happy?  This is when I met someone who changed my life by inviting me to a fitness challenge group.  I had no idea what I was getting into, but I knew something had to change.

For the first time in a while I focused on my own health by carving out time to workout and by getting back to eating clean healthy foods.  In no time I started to feel better and in no time I realized I wanted to pay it forward and help other people, women and moms especially, do the same thing.  I wanted to help them realize that healthy equals happy and to stop feeling guilty about taking care of themselves.  I now run my own monthly fitness challenges where I work to motivate and inspire others to be their best versions of themselves by putting the focus back on themselves and their health.

I will never go back to that old me.  I will be a better mom, wife, friend and person by putting myself back on my priority list.  I will love myself enough to live a healthy life.


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