What does timed nutrition look like?

Timed nutrition…sounds interesting, hard, strange, time consuming, different…

Yep- that’s what I thought, too.

Basically timed nutrition is simply eating the right foods (especially protein and carbs) at the right times to help you fuel your workouts, build muscle, and recover from workouts while keeping your metabolism and energy levels high. Over the course of the day, our bodies fluctuate between breaking down muscle and building it back up. Timing your nutrition can help ensure your muscles have the protein they need during those building-up phases.

It also helps you get the perfect ratio of macronutrients (carbs, protein and fats) each time you eat.

Eating like this did take a little time to get used to, but the pay off for me has more energy all day long!

Now that I am starting week 7 of this plan, I have found this schedule very easy to follow.  My meal planning took no time this week and by 1:30 on Sunday I am prepped and ready for most of the week!

Eating this way also seems to have a positive influence on my day in general.  I am more productive with my work and it seems to create a flow for my day.

Here is what a basic day looks like for me:

4:30- alarm goes off!
4:45- eat my pre-workout meal
5:15- drink my energize
5:30- push play
6:30ish- drink my post workout while getting the boys ready
9:00- eat my post-workout meal
12:00- lunch (usually my biggest meal of the day- meal option #2)
3:00- afternoon pick me up (Shakeology- meal option #1)
6:00- dinner (usually meal option #3)

*this schedule is easy to adapt to your day and when you workout.  4:30 am wake up calls are not a requirement!  😉

Here is my meal plan for next week:

meal plan- February 26- March 4

Am I perfect at this?  NO
Do I always get the timing perfect?  NO

I will say this, as we are about to hit the halfway point I can tell you that I have not cheated one time!

What I love about this plan:

No guessing!
I know what to eat and when in order to fuel my day best and recover from my workouts!
I have noticed a huge increase in my energy levels and have had minimal soreness.  That is saying a lot because these workouts are longer than I am used to and pretty intense.
I do not feel like I am missing out because I eat a ton of really delicious stuff!

What I don’t love about this plan:

Not much.
I guess I miss having a glass of wine on Friday, but honestly, I kinda don’t.  I will have fries or a margarita again, just not for another 41 days.  😉
I did have a 2-3 week period of feeling hungry or getting used to the timing, but that would be true of any new meal plan.

Here are a few of the recipe I will be enjoying this week:

Spinach Pancakes (sounds strange I know!!!):

  • 1 cup of spinach
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup quick oats
  • 1/3 cup cottage cheese or yogurt (I used almond milk yogurt)
  • 1 tsp almond butter (or other nut butter)
  • cinnamon
  • vanilla extract

Blend everything together and make pancakes as you normally would.  This makes 1 serving of 3-4 pancakes.

Tempeh BLT (tempeh bacon):

  • 8 oz tempeh (250 g)
  • 1 tbsp liquid aminos
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil for the marinade plus extra virgin for frying the bacon
  • 1 tbsp maple
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 2 tsp liquid smoke
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin

Slice the tempeh as thin as you can without it falling apart.
Mix the rest of the ingredients in a bowl. Soak the tempeh slices in the marinade for 1 or 2 minutes.
Heat extra virgin olive oil in a saute pan and when it’s hot, add the tempeh and cook for 1 or 2 minutes each side over high heat until both sides are browned and crisp.

I will be having this with lettuce and tomato in a sprouted grain wrap!  This recipe makes about 2 servings.

Avocado Egg Salad

  • 2 hard boiled eggs
  • 1/4 avocado
  • salt and pepper

Mash eggs, avocado, salt and pepper.  I like to also add dried dill.  Serve on a wrap, slice of break, 1/2 english muffin, or over lettuce.  This makes 1 serving.

What do you think?
Sound like something you might want to try?

My March group is forming and several of my newest challengers will be starting this program together!

Here is what you can expect!!!

I am accepting applications to join!


Hope to hear from you soon!



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