Sweet Potato Frittata

blog pic- sweet potato frittata

I love me some breakfast and with timed nutrition I get to eat it twice a day!!!

The other day I shared my favorite pre-workout (at 4:45 am) meal.  Check it out here!

After I workout, get the boys off to school and get myself ready for the day I have what I like to call breakfast #2 (aka post workout meal)!!

I have been experimenting with my new cast iron skillets so I couldn’t wait to try a frittata in one of them.  After searching Pinterest, I decided on one using sweet potatoes as a crust!  YUM!

My Recipe:

  • 2 medium sweet potatoes, shredded
  • 3-4 cups of spinach
  • 8 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 4 tsp olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • ½ teaspoon dried thyme
  • salt
  • pepper

Heat the oven to 450 F.
Beat the eggs, some salt, and milk in a small bowl until well combine, set aside.
Sauté the sweet potato, thyme, and turmeric in the olive oil over medium heat in a 10” cast iron skillet. Cook until the sweet potato is starting to become tender, about 4 minutes.
Pat down the cooked sweet potato on the bottom of the pan to create the base layer, salt lightly.
Turn down the heat to low, add the spinach. Let the steam from the base layer cook the spinach for about 3 minutes.
Pour the eggs into the pan.
Put the skillet in the oven, and bake for about 10 minutes, or until set, and browned in places. Remove from oven and let cool slightly before serving.
Store left overs in refrigerator.

This makes 4 servings of deliciousness!
Each serving counts as 1 Red, 1 Yellow, 1 Green and 1 tsp for those of you following Portion Fix or Timed Nutrition.

For my T1D friends it is about 15 carbs per serving.

This makes a great meal prep recipe but would also be perfect for a brunch with friends.  I may need to host one soon!  😉

PS- My frittata is dairy free, but you could easily add cheese to this if you wanted.




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