Week 1- the learning curve

week 1 review.png

I have completed about 10 at home workout programs over the past 3 1/2 years.  I have even done a few of them multiple times.  I have loved them all for different reasons.

This past week I started yet another new program, but this one just felt different even before I started.

For the next 80 days I will be obsessed about not only my workouts, but my nutrition and my self care.

I will get the opportunity to do 80 unique workouts- each one filmed separately.  Each one with it’s own set of challenges.

I will be challenged by a nutrition plan that not only helps me understand better what to eat, but when to eat it.

I will make sure I get my sleep and take one day a week to recharge and plan for the week ahead.

Lastly, I get to do this challenge with 50 other of my fit friends!  (I saved the best part for last!)

I plan to share this journey for a few reasons.

  1. I will turn 43 shortly after the end of this 80 days.  I want to prove to myself and to others that age really is just a number and with hard work you can change your body, health and mindset.
  2. I want to show that a healthy lifestyle, while requiring change and a few sacrifices, is totally doable and even dare I say enjoyable!
  3. I want to inspire others to make time for themselves in there busy lives!  From the beginning of this coach journey it has always been about helping others learn to fill their cups through exercise, proper nutrition and support so that they can be there very best.

Week 1 did not go off with out a few hitches, but in all I did pretty good and enjoyed the process.

Day 1

I woke up bright and early and excited and a little apprehensive about the meal I was supposed to eat BEFORE I worked out.  This is not my norm, but I am all about trusting the process and was willing to give it a try.  I ate my pre-prepared egg casserole and steel cut oats right on time and pushed play at around 5:30.  Much to my surprise I felt great, no upset stomach and maybe even a little more energy.
The workout was Total Body Core and I loved it!  The moves were challenging, but doable.  The rest of my day went well and my challengers were kicking butt, too.  In all a great start!

Day 2

The second morning went off with out a hitch again!  The workout was Booty and used bands to work muscles in my butt and legs I didn’t realize I had!  I teach 2 different classes on Tuesdays.  PiYo in the morning and Barre in the evening.  I tried to take it easy and focus more on the stretching and helping my class with form.  I am learning that over exercising and under eating is not a good combo!

Day 3

Morning 3 was more of the same- pre-workout meal went down well and I enjoyed the workout- Cardio Core.  This is saying a lot because cardio is my least favorite.
As the day went on I was finding myself pretty darn hungry which is strange to me since this meal plan has me eating MORE food than I am used to.

Day 4

Speed bump number 1:
My pre-workout meal did not go down like the last 3 days.  It was kinda making me gag.  I choked it down and got to my workout.  Day 4 is AAA- Arms, Abs and A$$.  It did not disappoint!  This day was a crazy day having me leave the house at 8:45 am and besides a few quick pit stops not getting home until after 9:00 pm.  I packed my meals and did pretty good!

Day 5

Based on day four’s pre-workout meal experience I switched up what I ate and did much better!  The workout of the day was Legs and I loved it!  (Have I mentioned how much I love leg day?)
I was less hungry and my energy is pretty good!
Speed bump number 2:
Family Pizza Night.  Family pizza night is a tradition and one that even as I started to “healthy” up my diet and that of my families we kept in tact.  I make it work and eat according to my containers and usually plan accordingly so I can enjoy a glass of wine.  Well this is not as easy with the timed nutrition thing and did I mention, no alcohol for the 80 days?  I planned to bring a salad and offered to bring one for my sister-in-law.  I kindly decline a glass of wine and she loves her salad I brought her!

BTW- my challengers were still kicking butt!

Day 6

On Saturday and I teach Barre class in the morning.  I usually get up early to get my workout in first, but I am trying to learn to make sure my body is getting the necessary sleep to recover from these workouts so I slept in a little.  Today’s workout was called Cardio Flow and I quickly learned the flow did not stand for some kind of yoga style cardio workout!  This was by far the hardest workout of the week, but I kinda loved it.

I did start to run out of prepped food and was finding it hard to get my timed meals in.  Some strange combinations of food were had!  😉

Day 7

Rest day!!!  Or should I say foam roller day.  OMG- that thing hurst so good.  I didn’t even realize I was sore until I started rolling out my muscles.  I spend the day prepping meals for week 2.  I took some time in the evening to give myself a Hello FAB Ginger & Turmeric Vitamin C Jelly Mask.  It was a nice treat- I highly recommend it!


My favorites of the week:


Chicken Stuffed Peppers from the FIXATE Cooking Show (just one of the things you get access to with a Beachbody On Demand membership!)

4 medium bell peppers, cut in half, seeds removed
2 tsp olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
12 oz raw chicken breast
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/3 tsp ground cumin
1 dash sea or Himalayan pink salt
1 dash pepper
1/2 cup tomato sauce, no sugar or salt added
1 cup cooked quinoa
1/2 cup black beans
1/2 cup frozen corn
3 Tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
1 1/2 tsp fresh lime juice
1 cup shredded Monterey jack cheese (I omitted this)
Preheat oven to 375.  Place peppers, skin side down in baking dish.  Set aside.
Heat oil in skillet.  Add garlic, cook for 1 minute.
Add chicken, chili powder, cumin, salt and pepper.  Cook for 5 minutes or until no longer pink.  (I used shredded chicken I had already made in my Instant Pot cutting down the cooking time a little)
Add tomato sauce, quinoa, beans and corn.  Reduce heat to medium-low.  Stir occasionally for 3-4 minutes.
Add cilantro and lime juice.
Divide chicken mix evenly between bell pepper halves, cover with foil.
Bake for 35-40 minutes or until peppers are tender.
Top with cheese if using.  Bake for 3-5 more minutes.
This makes 2 servings- 2 pepper halves each.
This counted as 1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, and 1 blue (if using cheese).


Booty!!!  I loved the bands.  I loved the moves.  I am excited to shape this rear of mine!  😉


Meal prepping is a must with this timed nutrition.  I need to have more prepared and I probably need to do another mini meal prep mid week to get me through the weekend.

What I am most proud of:

My challengers!!!  Seriously- they totally rocked this week.  They made time for the workouts- some of which are an hour long.  They took to the timed nutrition- no excuses!  They cheered each other on, offered suggestions and support!
To think that I had a small part of creating this amazing group of women makes me proud!

Want to join the fun???

I am starting a new wave of 80 Day Obsession soon!
My goal is to have 5 new challengers join our amazing group.

CLICK HERE for more info!

Stay tuned for next weeks update!



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