Back to life, Back to reality

Tomorrow marks the end of our 2 week hibernation!

Steve will be back out of the road.
The boys are back to school.
Our evenings will be hijacked by swim and baseball practices and meets.
Back to work and teaching for me.

This will require a plan if we hope to make it through the week!  😉

My plan involves:

  • Yogurt Parfaits made up ahead for quick easy breakfasts all week!
  • Egg Roll in a Bowl made up ahead and portioned out for lunch on Mon-Thur
  • Honey Lime Chicken marinating so I can just thrown it in my Instant Pot on Monday evening.
  • All fruits and veggies cleaned and cut for quick, easy lunches and snacks for the boys.

Meal Plan January 8 thru 14

Are you getting back into the swing of the work/school thing this week, too?

Do you have a plan?
Need help with this type of things?

My first Challenge Group of the year starts on January 15th!  We will all be working together to create healthy habits, finding the time for our workouts, sharing recipes, meal planning and talking self care for our bodies, minds and souls.

There is still time to join!

I hope your transition back to reality is a smooth one!


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