Get a little OBSESSED with me

80 day obsession cover

We obsess about a lot this time of year!

The perfect gift, the perfect table settings, the perfectly behaved kids, the perfectly decorated house…

Sometimes we get a little obsessed about the silliest things!

What about getting obsessed with your health?
What about getting obsessed with what you are fueling your body with?
What about getting obsessed with getting a workout in every day?

This is an obsession I can get behind!!
Want to join me?


I will be starting an exclusive group for anyone willing to work on their best versions of themselves with me for 80 days.

We will workout daily, share tips, recipes, motivation and learn from Super Trainer, Autumn Calabrese, on the best way to whip our butt’s into shape!

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What can you expect from this group and this program?

  • A brand new workout each day for 80 days!
  • 45-60 minute workouts
  • 6 days a week
  • portion control meal plan
  • recipes
  • support
  • tips
  • fun

What you will need?

  • A postive mindset
  • Access to Beachbody On Demand
  • Weights (light to heavy)
  • Beachbody Strength Slides
  • Beachbody Resistance Loops
  • Portion Control System

Check out the packages!

Just one thing left at ask?
Are you ready to get obsessed with me?

I hope so!
